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BitParadise – Building Cryptocurrency options for Enthusiast Gamers


Today, online gamers are scrambling for every opportunity available with the option of earning cryptocurrency of their choice while playing games or gambling. The various institutional limitation concerning gambling makes is ultimately impossible for enthusiast gamers from using cryptocurrency as a method of placing their wagers or even earning from it while playing games online.

These limitations are a major barrier to the number of games individuals can play as it concerns casinos and other highly fascinating games. Not only does this limitation hinders the joy the gamers derive but also stops the money they can generate by participating in the games. Remarkably, in spite of the various cryptocurrencies available in the crypto ecosystem, there hasn’t been any acceptable solution to this nagging issues considering the fact that they are not set up for gambling purposes. 

This issue has contributed in restricting people from earning fiat currency rather than building a cryptocurrency portfolio in the current dispensation where cryptocurrency is what is trending. However, institutional limitations shouldn’t stop gamers from what they should enjoy. In order to see that this is a reality, BitParadise is creating a viable solution that will benefit gamers.

BitParadise Lasting Solution

Haven highlighted the challenges resulting from gamers not having the fluidity to play online games and the possibility of earning through any cryptocurrency of their choice, BitParadise has proffered a working solution. This solution is one that will allow gamers to participate in cryptocurrency earning games and enable them to be vitally involved in trade mining. This solution serves as a dual purpose where gamers or customers can maximizing profits not exempting the operators of the platform.

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Additionally, in our trade-mining program, we reward our customers with our unique native token called the BET coin. This reward comes to you whenever you perform a trade on the platform. Furthermore, you get additional reward whenever you play in any of the various decentralized casino games within the platform. There is an average mining capacity of 1.4 million BET units with mining based on the level of contribution actualized during trading on the platform.

If you don’t get the main idea, we will make it simpler for you. You don’t have to spend money to buy the BET coin. Are you surprised? Well, you shouldn’t be because you can get the BET coin by either performing trade mining or playing online casino games. This model is the first to take place in the cryptocurrency industry. 

BitParadise – A paradise for Cryptocurrency enthusiast 

In order to make the platform a place of fun, we have commenced with dice games with other games such as Go-top, Horseracing, soccer pk, Lotto, Baccarat, Craps, and Blackjack. Nevertheless, there are plans of adding other games including 7 pokers. The idea is to provide a platform where you earn profit through a blockchain-based casino game service. Remarkably, we give part of profits earned through the platform to our customers via our trade mining system. It is a win-win situation for our customers and us.

BitParadise Global Acceptability

Our utmost dream is the acceptance of the BET coin globally for the aim of gaming. It will be a major breakthrough for BitParadise if a sizable percentage of gamers understand how to play our games considering the billions of online gamers. For this dream to become a reality, we have set important targets that must be achieved within the next few years. 

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Firstly, our plan is to operate in the Argentine and South Korean fiat currency markets. However, our focus is making Argentina as our pilot scheme, which will further move to the South American markets. In order to merge our gains, we will launch our services in China. To make this process seamless, there is already an ongoing plan to build a Chinese-based website for our blockchain based casino game. With this, over one billion Chinese can have access to casino games online.


The BET coin is designed in a way that it enables online gamblers the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency and profit from trading mining. There are indications that our highly stable coin will be a global force to reckon, as it will distort the current institutional limitation facing the global online gambling business. 

Official Website: http://bitparadise.club/ 

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