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#cleanworld Challenge Launched by Novarum Sky and Artificial Intelligence Provider – PowerBrain.Shop


Next-generation Artificial Intelligence software developer PowerBrain.Shop® and Drone solution provider Novarum Sky announced launch of #cleanworld challenge

Eindhoven, June 25, 2019 /PowerBrainShop/, São Paulo, June 25, 2019 /Novarum Sky/

The Drone solution provider Novarum Sky and their artificial intelligence (AI) technology partner PowerBrain.Shop® announced a joint initiative aimed at driving the development and application of environmental protection solutions – leveraging the latest AI and Drone technologies.

Inspired by their passion for the Fridays for Future (#fridaysforfuture) movement and the Trashtag challenge (#trashtag) the Brasilian CEO of Novarum Sky, Mr João Marcelo Correa and German CEO and Chairman of the Board of PowerBrain.Shop®, Mr. Samuel Thomas Staehle, would like to invite the public to assist in developing the next generation of artificially intelligent cleaning technology solutions – to help protect our environment.

Today at the DRONE SHOW, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, we announced the #cleanworld challenge. It is aimed at tackling the pollution of our planet, with emphasis on the detection and removal of trash from our oceans, forests, rivers, parks and deserts. Everyone is invited, and can easily help by recording and submitting video data from their smart phones, cameras, drones and even robots, to show  plastics and other unwanted trash. 

This video data will then be collated and automatically analysed by our AI PowerBrains™, helping them to learn and improve the autonomous trash detection with drones and robots. Our objective is to proactively detect and remove trash automatically at any location in our environment. Such videos also enable additional technologies to be developed, for example: Environmental pollution monitoring and possibly even underwater robotic cleaning solutions.

 All videos should be tagged with the hashtag #cleanworld and uploaded to public video sharing services. 

The #cleanworld challenge also demonstrates to political and public decision makers that there is infrastructure technology available today which can help keep cities, parks, forests, lakes and rivers clean;  even in hard-to-reach locations and powered by pollution free clean energy.

“As environmental protectionists, we want to make our world a better place. We can do this by embracing the latest artificial intelligent technologies and help build environmental cleaning solutions” says Samuel T. Staehle, founder and CEO of PowerBrain.Shop®.

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“Novarum Sky’s latest Drone solutions significantly benefit from using the capabilities added by the portable AI PowerBrains™ from PowerBrain.Shop® for in-flight trash detection in real time video data. From our perspective the combination of  these technologies is a major milestone for the automation of environment protection.” says João Marcelo Correa, founder of Novarum Sky.



Juliano Grigulo
Novarum Sky
Manoel de Oliveira Ramos, 205, sala 602 – Estreito
Florianópolis – SC
CEP 88075120

Peter Hohlwegler
Public Relations Manager
POWERBRAINSHOP Holding Corporation
Bonn, Germany


About POWERBRAINSHOP Holding Corporation

PowerBrain.Shop® is a fast-growing software vendor with a European team and a global footprint, developing the next generation product development and training platform for Artificial Intelligence and powerful AI software ‘brains’ – its AI PowerBrains™. It pushes through the impossible by enabling the next disruptive step of the mass market adoption of AI by advancing easy AI development, training, validation and quality assurance, deployment and monitoring at various use cases scenarios across different industry verticals, businesses and organisations. As thought leader in Artificial Intelligence, we partner with those who move the world forward.

For more information, follow us at www.PowerBrain.Shop , on LinkedIn, on YouTube and on Twitter (@ShopPowerbrain).


About Novarum Sky

Novarum Sky is a drone technology solution and services provider with an international team of engineers and software professionals developing industrial solutions for aerial vehicles (UAV). It offers innovative, efficient and safe ways to carry out aerial inspections, direct georeferencing and analytics.

For more information, follow us at www.novarumsky.com and on Twitter (@novarumsky).

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