Home Cryptocurrency Why NEO Cryptocurrency Makes You A Smart Investor

Why NEO Cryptocurrency Makes You A Smart Investor


NEO cryptocurrency and Ethereum are often compared, and both currencies have evident similarities. What makes NEO unique is its developer’s vision to have a “Smart Economy.” NEO’s system is made up of Digital Assets, Digital Identity, and Smart Contract. In short, NEO currency adapts to the continuously evolving cryptocurrency market from now up unto the unforeseeable future.

Understanding What NEO Cryptocurrency is All About

Since its latest innovation, and being formerly known as Antshares, NEO allows investors to trade with its diverse digital assets and smart contracts easily. Digital assets are evidently protected by digital certificates which make digital exchange simple, secure, and convenient. NEO cryptocurrency also creates what is known as “Digital Identity” that formulates an electronic identity system for individuals, juridical entities, corporations, or enterprises. The creation and perfection of a smart contract with NEO are Turing-complete, which means that parties can generate a program that the developer encoded using a NeoVM (NEO Virtual Machine) which boasts “high certainty, high finality, and high scalability.”

Why Investing in NEO Cryptocurrency Makes you a Smart Investor

1. You don’t have to worry about legal protection since NEO cryptocurrency is highly protected through its blockchain, and it adheres to recognizable government regulations. This feature not only benefits individuals, but to enterprises as well, and accordingly, it would make a revolutionary innovation in securities and exchange regulations all over the world.

2. NEO’s smart contract uses several programming languages including C#, Java, Go, and Python. This feature is unique in the sense that any programming language suitable to the developer can be used without the trouble of creating or integrating a new language into the system.

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3. NEO has a crypto-token known as “GAS.” While has a cap amount of 100 million and indivisible, GAS is similarly capped at 100 million but is susceptible to division. GAS is operated to fund the numerous smart contracts. With no effort at all, GAS may accumulate in a user’s NEO wallet. This feature is possible due to having a designated bookkeeper in the system.

4. Digital assets of NEO cryptocurrency are traded through Peer-to-peer exchange, limiting the use of third-parties or any intermediaries.

5. NEO currency is supported by a Lattice cryptography system that prevents any quantum crisis. This element makes NEO far different and innovative from other cryptocurrencies. NEO’s blockchain is highly exceptional due to its usage of Turing encryption or decryption as an added security feature which is unique from other ordinary quantum processes.

No doubt NEO Cryptocurrency would be a highly recommended investment this 2018. In ordinary business conditions, the risk is always a given factor which associates with an equal amount of return. A smart investor, however, identifies the specific security and protection provided by NEO coins. NEO cryptocurrency is efficiently created through an innovative design that adapts to the ever-evolving digital era, and it will pave the way for a prosperous smart economy.


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